In a world rocked by the unthinkable, the once peaceful nation of Germany (🇩🇪) has launched an unprecedented attack on the unsuspecting land of Mongolia (🇲🇳), leaving a trail of devastation and heartbreak in its wake. The staggering death toll includes a shocking 966,707 infantries, 177,009 tanks, 150,598 F-15 aircrafts, 64,474 battleships, and the complete obliteration of 53 industries. This sensationalist act of aggression has sent shockwaves across the globe, raising questions about Germany's true intentions and the future of international relations.
As we mourn the loss of innocent lives and the destruction of Mongolia's prosperous industries, it is our duty to expose this horrifying truth and demand accountability from the perpetrators. Together, let us stand up for peace and justice in the face of this unparalleled tragedy.
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