In a shocking turn of events, the once peaceful country of Mongolia has been rocked to its core after being attacked by the unthinkable aggressor - Yemen. The small Middle Eastern nation has left a trail of destruction in its wake, with casualties reaching staggering numbers.
According to reports from πΎπͺ Yemen, an apparent dissident faction within the country's borders had grown disillusioned with their government and decided to take drastic measures. They launched a full-scale assault on the π²π³ Mongolian capital, leaving devastation in their path.
The attack resulted in the deaths of 175,862 infantries, 28,636 tanks, 20,302 F-15 aircraft, 13,751 battleships, and 40 industries - all in an attempt to make a statement.
As the world watches in shock, experts are struggling to understand the motives behind this brutal assault on Mongolia, a nation that had never been implicated in any conflicts before. The international community is now left to pick up the pieces and find a solution to prevent further atrocities from occurring.
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